​​Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

Ipoh, Malaysia

Redemptorist Sacramentary (revised edition, 2019)

Saints & Blesseds of the Redemptorists (Listed according to Year)

Name of Saint/Blessed
YearCelebrationFeast Day

1St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
1696 - 1787
SolemnityAug 1
2St. Gerard Majella
1726 - 1755
MemorialOct 16
3St. Clement Mary Hofbauer
1751 - 1820
FeastMar 15
4St. John Nepomucene Neumann
1811 - 1860
MemorialJan 5

1Bl. Januarius Mary Sarnelli
1702 - 1744
Jun 30
2Bl. Peter Donders
1809 - 1887
MemorialJan 14
3Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
1819 - 1867
MemorialOct 5
4Bl. Gaspar Stangassinger
1871 - 1899
MemorialSep 26
5Bl. Methodius Dominick Trcka
1886 - 1959
MemorialAug 25
Ukraine Martyrs (4) [S/Nos. 6 - 9]

MemorialJun 28
6Bl. Mykolay Charnetskyi
1884 - 1959

7Bl. Ivan Ziatyk
1899 - 1952

8Bl. Zenon (Zynoviy) Kovalyk
1903 - 1941

9Bl. Vasyl Velychkovskyi
1903 - 1973

Cuenca (Spain) Martyrs (6) [S/Nos 10 - 15]

MemorialNov 6
10Bl. Pedro Romero Espejo
1871 - 1938

11Bl. Jose Javier G. Januarena
1877 - 1936

12Bl. Ciriaco olarte y Perez Mendiguren
1893 - 1936

13Bl. Victoriano Calvo Lozano
1896 - 1936

14Bl. Miguel Goñi Ariz1902 - 1936

15Bl. Julian Pozo Y Ruiz Samaniego
1903 - 1936

Four saints and Fifteen Blesseds* - these are the numbers of Redemptorists who have been given the glorious title of Saint and Blessed in Heaven by the Church and held as models for Catholics to emulate in their faith journey on earth. St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist Order, often exhorted his fellow Redemptorists to be saints. His brothers in the Congregation took his words to heart and hence there is ever-growing line of saintly men who followed the teachings of Christ the Redeemer so closely that their lives have become entwined with His love.​​

*(Beatification is the third of the four steps in the canonization process. A person who is beatified is in English given the title “Blessed”.)

​​​​Address: Church: 1 Jalan Serindik; Redemptorists Community: 19-21 Jalan la Salle; 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; Tel: (60) 05 5458220; Email: omphip@gmail.com; FaceBook: https://m.facebook.com/OMPHipoh/

Copyright © Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church, Ipoh, Malaysia. All rights reserved.

Saints & Blesseds