Copyright © Our Mother of Perpetual Help Church, Ipoh, Malaysia. All rights reserved.

Letter to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

(Read at Parish Feast Day Mass, prior to Crowning of Icon)

Triduum: 12, 19 & 26 June (Saturdays)

For last year's Parish Feast Day 2020, click here.

Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

With grateful hearts we come together this Feast Day, although remotely and online, to offer up this Mass in thanksgiving - together with all our fears, anxieties, worries and hope, in the midst of our current challenges.

For more than 18 months life has been surreal. So many things have changed. No one could have imagined what a huge impact a tiny unseen virus could bring. The months have been exhausting and heavy, and relentless with challenges. Nothing has made sense dear Mother - neither the state of emergency, or the quarantine orders, the supposedly new normal, or the social distancing, and, definitely, not the endless movement control orders.

But through it all, deep inside our hearts, we can feel God’s presence and blessings on us in the most mysterious of ways. We have more time with our children and spouses; we appreciate our faraway loved ones more; we are conscious of the sufferings of the less privileged, and we have realised that we have to be responsible for ourselves and for those around us and work together as one for the good of all.

​We are grateful for everyone who continues to work, serve and sacrifice for the benefit of the masses. We thank God for those who have kept our churches and our people safe, and facilitated the online streaming of Masses, Novenas, podcasts and webinars, so that we can still grow in our faith.

Dearest Mother, as we celebrate our Feast Day this year, we miss the fellowship with our fellow parishioners; we miss attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion; we miss just simply being within the compound of our beautiful parish, working towards our usual joyous and spirit-filled celebration.

Accept this instead then our simple celebration of thanksgiving. Please ask your Son to grant us the strength, faith and hope to sustain us as we wait in joyful anticipation of better days to come soon please.

Mary, Mother of Hope, thank you for teaching us what it means to be disciples of hope, trusting in the mercy and goodness of Jesus Christ our Lord. Happy Feast Day Blessed Mother!

from your loving and grateful children.​​

​​Parish Feast Day Theme:

  • Mary: Disciple of Hope

​​Triduum Themes:

  • 1st Saturday (12 June): Catholic Devotions
  • 2nd Saturday (19 June); To Jesus through Mary
  • 3rd Saturday (26 June): ​Growing in Gratitude like Mary


(Triduum Novenas and Parish Feast Day Mass)

Parish Feast Day: 27 June (Sunday)

​​Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

Ipoh, Malaysia

​​​​Address: Church: 1 Jalan Serindik; Redemptorists Community: 19-21 Jalan la Salle; 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia; Tel: (60) 05 5458220; Email:; FaceBook:

Parish Feast Day 2021

Triduum: 12 June, 19 June & 26 June; Feast Day: 27 June
